CRank: 5Score: 4420

this game is goin to be f*cking awesome!!!! cant wait to play the free roam mp.

5134d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"There have been an overwhelming amount of 360 trolls on the new site, it's plainly obvious that the number of "P33 fanboys" pale in comparison."

are you kidding me? we must not use the same site. go check out an alan wake or halo reach article and see if you still feel that way....

on topic: i really pumped up for mnr. cant wait to see what people come up with using the full array of tools. people did pretty good work with lim...

5134d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i dont own a ps3 huh????? maybe you should check my tags before you make claims without and proof. you are exactly the scum i am talking about, you and all the phantom disagrees i got. where do you get that i dont own a ps3???? is it because i think ps3 fanboys are the most pathetic people in the gaming world??? oh well that is the only response that ps3 idiots have "you dont even own a ps3 blah blah blah".

5135d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

you sony fanboy loyalists make me want to throw my ps3 out the window. you guys are so worried about what people think about the ps3. who cares? you guys are just a bunch of babies. two guys that said that ms will have a good e3 got hidden for trolling, but every single alan wake article has about half troll comments that usually have more agrees than disagrees, but never hidden for trolling... i wonder which fanboys are more pathetic? i think that one is easy. every time one of these co...

5136d ago 6 agree22 disagreeView comment

see the weird thing is that all the fanboy troll comments in this article are from sony fanboys. i dont know where you get your logic from, but good for you

5136d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

did you think at all before you commented?

5136d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

i dont see that too often anymore... i think your a little delusional. everyone is well aware of the ps3 lineup.

im pumped for lbp2 though... i still play the first one quite a bit, cause there is no end to peoples creativity. i really cant wait to see mod nation racers and what people come up with in that too. i was in the beta and people made things from the limited resources available that were pretty awesome.

5136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it an absolute joke to even compare kz to halo... kz is the most unbalanced games i have ever played. spawn raping completely ruins kz. if you think firing from the hip takes skill you need to wake up. full of bootsting cheaters and p*ssies that join low ranked matches to feel good about themselves. no one uses mics, but thats par for the course on psn. small, weak, laughable community. kz has done nothing for fps games except show others what not to do.

we all know ps3 k...

5149d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

GOD OF WAR!!!! and any other stupid button mashers

5150d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

cod waw gave away a 0 point achievement for reaching tenth prestige...

5151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kz's multiplayer is not even on the same playing field as halo... killzone is nothing but spawn raping and sh*tty players using overpowered class combos. so many cheaters in killzone 2. it takes no skill to "aim" in kz2, cause you dont have to aim. oh yeah and the community is a tiny sh*tsplat in the gaming world. not even close to halo in any way.

5152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

most bluray movies arent even full hd, and no one can tell the difference. these arguments are stupid...

5156d ago 9 agree28 disagreeView comment

he said large community and i about fell out of my chair... i guess when a game has no more than 3000 on at a time it is considered a large community on psn. a large community is what MW2 or halo have... well over 150,000 halo players on at the same time to this day and MW2 has about 500,000 people on at a time. those are big communities, and sorry kilzone is a small weak community in comparison.

dont get me wrong, i am a kz2 fan, but kz2 is now nothing but a spwan killing m...

5157d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

pretty sure MS had achievements a good year before ps3... a lot of early ps3 games dont even have trophies, and all xbox games have had them from the beginning.

on topic: Heavy Rain was a a really easy platinum. its the only one i have.

5160d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

i will hate it because i hate the wii... move is nothing but a wii rip-off, so of course i will hate it.

5162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you still havent explained to me how its not a button masher. whether on hard or easy, the base gameplay is still button mashing. maybe you have to roll sometimes, but the combat is nothing but button mashing... if you can explain to me how the game isnt a button masher, please try it.

5162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont know why these crysis guys are so arrogant? the first crysis was a sh!tty game. sure it had good graphics, but that only goes so far when the game is as boring as watching the grass grow. his game better be good or else gamers everywhere will sh!t all over this guy

5162d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

u fanboys are funny... how is god of war not a button masher??????? i dont like it, i think it is boring. im sorry i hurt your feelings, but get the f*ck over it. call me whatever you want. im just as much of a "real gamer" as you f@gs think you are. its just funny how much you fanboys worry what everyone thinks of your "babies".

5163d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

GOD OF WAR III.... button mashing snoozfest

5163d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

xbox doesnt need any generic button mashers

5166d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment